What better way to close an authentic mexican meal than to present your guests with a nice traditional mexican dessert! It is true that when most think about mexican cuisine, desserts are not the first idea they might have. Mexican desserts are not very well known outside Mexico, however there are many excellent mexican recipes for desserts and we will try here to give them proper credit they deserve...
as they are nonetheless a significant part of mexican gastronomy, the scope of this website.
It is interesting to realize that the country that first introduced chocolate to europeans does not make extensive use of it in its own desserts! As with the other mexican recipes, dessert recipes have been influenced by the meso-american cooking methods from the Aztecs and Mayas, combined with European traditions from Spain and France. The dessert recipes are as varied as is the rest of mexican gastronomy; they go from cookies to mexican flan all the way to orange fried bananas, just to name a few.
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