The mexican dessert recipe for Chongos Zamoranos

The Chongos Zamoranos are a simple dessert or candy made from milk and sugar. This traditional dessert is old: its origin goes back to the colonial time and was attributed to convents from the city of Zamora de Hidalgo, in the mexican state of Michoacán. To make this mexican dessert, rennet tablets are dissolved in milk, sugar and grated cinnamon are added; the resulting dessert is soft dairy clusters in a syrup with great taste and spongy consistency.

An industrial process to make these was developed around 1934 by Mrs. Maria Luisa Vaca Verduzco at her factory, and even today an old factory making these is still in operation in Zamora, for all of Mexico. Families in Zamora still make this candy themselves in their homes, this being the traditional dessert for the city. Today there are many presentations with different flavors for this dessert, as people sometimes add coloring, liquor and dried fruits to it...

Mexican recipe for Chongos Zamoranos:


8 cups of milk.

1 cup sugar

1 complete rennet tablet

4 cinnamon sticks

juice from 2 pressed lemons


Heat up the milk over medium-low heat; making sure that it does not boil.

Add the rennet tablet, previously dissolved in a little bit of milk; and mix. Cook this for half an hour.

Add the lemon juice and mix. When the milk is completely curdled, grate the cinnamon sticks over its surface and sprinkle with the sugar, without mixing. Simmer over low heat for 2 hours approximately. Pull out when most of the liquids have evaporated around the curds of milk.
(The whey should not boil during this whole process; so please be careful as this is important)

You can be creative when serving this dessert; with fruits or syrup or even both...

Enjoy this real mexican dessert!

mexican recipes
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