Chicken burritos recipe (burrito de pollo)

Here is a basic but nonetheless delicious recipe for a burrito with chicken; easy and quick to make, this one is best when served hot in my opinion, although this burrito is just as delicious when served chilled...

| Yield: 6 burritos | Preparation: | Cooking: | Total time:

Recipe for chicken burritos:

A burrito with chicken

* 2 chicken breasts, or equivalent boneless chicken thighs
* 1 onion, diced
* 2 medium red tomatoes
* 1 green bell pepper
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* Extra-virgin olive oil
* Salt, to your taste
* 1/2 teaspoon cumin
* 1 teaspoon paprika
* 6 of the biggest wheat flour tortillas you can find
* 1/2 cup Black beans, cooked already
* 1 cup White rice, cooked
* salsa roja or mexican red salsa (see the recipe for salsa roja here)
* Some orange cheddar or monterey Jack cheese, grated
* guacamole (recipe for guacamole recipe here)


Slice your chicken to small cubes.

In your favorite skillet pour a little bit of oil; when the oil is hot fry the chicken cubes until nice and golden. Add 1 sliced tomato, the minced garlic cloves and 1/2 the onion, cumin, paprika and salt then cook all this until the chicken is well done. Once well done, reserve all this for later.

Chop the other half of the onion, the other tomato and the green pepper.

In the same skillet (which should already be hot!), add in the rest of the onion, the tomato and the pepper bits. Cook for a few minutes or until your vegetables are cooked to your taste, put back the reserved chicken mixture in the skillet and fry everything up together. Add the rice and beans and mix.

Heat up the tortillas in the microwave oven. Lay flat your tortilla, spread some of the chicken mixture we have just prepared, following the folding axis, top with some guacamole and some salsa roja; sprinkle some cheese over all this, then finally roll your tortilla up in the typical burrito folding method (first fold the edges at both ends of the food, then roll to wrap everything).

Serve with more rice or nachos to your guests!

mexican recipes
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