The Mole Negro is a dish that is very typical of mexican cuisine. As mentionned elsewhere a Mole is by definition a thick sauce made with a long list of ingredients that is used to cover chicken or turkey (or in many other dishes); a Mole is a pretty hearty and homogenous sauce, its taste can be complex. This one takes its dark brown color from the chocolate and the different dark chiles used: this is the easiest
mexican recipe to make an authentic Mole Negro; an acceptable solution if you want only to try Mole before attempting to make your own would be to buy the ready-made Mole paste from a latin grocery store.
The Black Mole recipe
A nice plate of chicken with mole, served with rice and salsa...
2 ounces chiles pasilla
20 chiles guajillos roasted, keep their seeds separately and dip them in water with salt
8 mulatto chiles, without seeds, dipped in water with salt
The seeds from the previous 2 chiles
2 tortillas cut in strips
2 1/2 ounces of almonds
2 ounces of walnuts
1 ounce of unsalted peanuts
2 slices of white bread
6 dried cloves
5 grains of entire pepper
1 cinnamon stick
6 1/2 ounces of lard oil (use olive oil for a healthier recipe)
2 tablespoons of raisins without seeds
2 tablespoons of roasted sesame seeds
1 garlic clove
2 avocado leaves
4 ounces of good quality 70% cocoa black chocolate
1 1/2 pounds of roasted, skinned and ground tomatoes
1/4 pound tomatillos, ground
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
1 whole turkey, which will be cooked then cut in pieces; saving the broth
6 cups of the broth in which the turkey was cooked
Cooking the turkey:
First you start to cook an entire turkey, in a large enough pan, in 10 cups of
water, in the oven, at 350 °F; save the broth for later. Cooking a turkey
takes anywhere between 3 to 5 hours depending on its size; to test if its cooked I
turn the turkeys leg bones: if they easily come off then your turkey is ready!
No need to worry about roasting it here as we will take it all apart, so cover
your pan throughout the entire process.
Begin the Mole sauce:
Roast in an oven what needs to be roasted first: tomatoes, chiles. Once roasted,
leave your chiles in a bit of salted water for 30 minutes.
Use a very hot skillet or comal (a flat skillet used in Mexico), cook the seeds of the chilis with the tortilla strips until they roast, but careful not to burn them.
Then, in a frying pan melt the lard oil and drop in the almonds, the nuts, the peanuts, the previously-made tortilla and seeds mixture; add the
slices of bread and the spices.
Press in the garlic clove, and put everything in the recipe.
Blend these ingredients together at this point, the sesame, the chilis and the avocado
leaves. You can use a food processor for convenience, blend but do not liquefy.
Pour everything back in the skillet.
Add the tomato and the ground tomatillos, the chocolate, the oregano and six cups of the broth in which you cooked the turkey and mix well.
Bring the mole to a boil and season with salt and pepper; reduce heat and simmer until desired consistence is reached.