Enchiladas de Pollo al Mole (enchiladas with chicken and mole recipe)

If enchiladas are authentic dishes from Mexico in themselves, also seen in many other countries of the American continent, when combined with Mole now enchiladas become even more exclusively mexican. This variation of the basic enchiladas recipe brings the deep and rich flavor of mole to enchiladas, served with chicken. There are a few recipes for these enchiladas with mole in this enchiladas section, each with a special presentation to give you ideas. 

| Yield: 2-4 plates | Preparation: | Cooking: | Total time:

enchiladas with mole

Recipe for the enchiladas de pollo al mole:


2 cups of Mole poblano (You can buy it as a ready-made paste at a latin products store)
1/2 cooked chicken, skin and bones discarded.
12 corn tortillas.
1 small onion chopped in rings.
1/2 cup of 15% cream.
Grated Monterey cheese

To make your own Tortillas

2 cups of special masa corn flour for tortillas.
1 cup of lukewarm water.
canola oil.


First dip each Tortilla in the mole poblano, place chicken on all of them, fold them to wrap them around the filling and line them up them in a pan. Pour the mole over the enchiladas, then sprinkle the onion bits over.

Bake in the oven to warm them up. When fixing each indidual plate, pour some cream on top of each enchiladas, sprinkle some grated cheese and serve to your guests.

If you wish to make them yourselves, the tortillas are made by mixing the corn masa with the water. Mix and knead your dough until you get a homogenous mixture. Just make sure your dough isn't too dry.
Divide the dough in approximately 15 portions for 15 individual tortillas, and flattening them up with a rolling pin as thin as possible.
Put your favorite skillet to the stove, pour in a little bit of canola oil. When you see the perimeter of each tortilla has dried off, this means it's time to flip them over.
When the tortilla begins to puff slightly, pull it away and repeat the procedure to make another one. Absolutely delicious when served freshly made!

Buen provecho!

mexican recipes
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