Chilorio Tacos from Culiacán (Tacos de Chilorio estilo Culiacán)

The Chilorio Tacos, Culiacán style, are a traditional dish of the state of Sinaloa. At the municipality of Culiacán, cooks there claim that they make the best meat chilorio in Mexico and accordingly, they also claim they have the best recipe for tacos. On September 29, celebrations are held in Culiacán and these tacos are served to the public.

The Chilorio is made from shredded pork seasoned with pasilla chiles, garlic, cumin and oregano; it is then cooked with lard, you can find the recipe for Chilorio Sinaloense here.

| Yield: 4-6 servings | Preparation: | Cooking: | Total time: | | by:

Mixing Chilorio with other ingredients
Mixing the Chilorio with the egg, peppers and onions...

Chilorio Sinaloense

To prepare Chilorio Tacos, Culiacan Style:

Ingredients for 4-6 people:

* 24 Flour Tortillas
* 2 lb. Chilorio Sinaloense
* 1 egg
* 1/2 cup chopped onion
* 1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
* 5 Chiles Serranos
* Salt to taste


1) First Finely chop the onion, peppers and parsley. Meanwhile, in a bowl beat the egg.

2) Pour the chilorio into a saucepan over low heat; cook until the chilorio reduces even further.

3) Add all the chopped ingredients, cook until the onion becomes transluscent, add the beaten eggs.

4) Cook until the egg cooks and until the liquids from the chilorio stew have evaporated.

5) Heat the tortillas and make the tacos with the chilorio stew/mix we just did.

Serve with a nice salsa...

mexican recipes