How they make menudo in Chihuahua!

Chihuahua is a state from Mexico; more than just a dog breed... Menudo isn't for everyone, this I know... but before passing a negative judgement over this mexican recipe please consider there are recipes with beef stomach (tripe) used as an ingredient in many other well known cuisines as well... just as like in many Italian and Spanish culinary traditions, cited as an example. The main point to judge this dish is that it is very tasty, if you dare to try it!

Recipe for Chihuahua Menudo


* 3 lb. beef shank, halved
* 2 lb. beef tripe
* 1 onion, halved
* 6 cloves garlic
* 6 cloves garlic
* 2 onions, halved
* 2 lb. of corn cooked hominy
* 10 ancho chiles seeded and put to soak in just enough boiling water for 5 minutes
* Salt to taste

When serving:
* Onion, finely chopped
* chopped dried oregano
* Chile powder piquin
* Lemon quarters


1) The beef shanks are cooked in the pressure cooker with a little water, onion, garlic and salt for about an hour or until cooked through. Let the meat cool down, then pull (shred) the meat; reserve.

2) It is very important to clean the tripe thoroughly, and when you get to the point you think it is clean, wash it one more time with cold water; chop it up in small pieces with a large and sharp knife and set to boil in water, six cloves of garlic and the onions, halved, until tender. It takes about an hour if you use the pressure cooker.

3) Using a blender, liquefy the ancho chiles with their cooking water; add this chiles salsa to the broth into which the menudo was cooked, also pour in the hominy corn kernels and shredded beef shank meat.

4) Boil everything together for 10 minutes; your chihuahua-style menudo is ready. Pour menudo in each bowl, then add all the ingredients for serving over; serve the menudo to your guests...

easy mexican recipes