If you are like me, on a quest to understand and to cook the best possible mexican food, hosting a
Taquiza party is an important step in your development... The term taquiza derives from Tacos naturally, and this makes sense because you will be allowing your guests to make quite a few of them! What is a Taquiza you might ask... Basically a Taquiza
is a mexican style buffet where your guests are presented with many authentic mexican guisos (mexican stews), toppings and also salsas and appetizers, so they can make their own tacos with fresh corn tortillas exactly the way they like them, with the meat and toppings of their choice.
In Mexico, there are many caterers who offer their services to help you host a Taquiza for your special event; which of course will allow you, the host, to focus more on the actual event itself, now that the food is taken care of. But let's get back to
my own experience with this special mexican buffet... yes, with a bit of planning it is quite possible and enjoyable to prepare a perfect Taquiza outside Mexico. The important thing I think is that you must have successfully made the dishes you are planning to serve at least once before, because now you will
have to make these dishes in an organized mass-production style workflow.