Red Pozole recipe (pozole rojo)

The pozole is an authentic mexican dish; we have also included elsewhere on this site the green pozole from Guerrero; but in Michoacán and Jalisco, they usually serve the "Pozole Rojo", or red pozole. In Mexico you even have restaurants called pozolerías who specialize in serving this very traditional mexican dish... Here we have a pork pozole recipe that is easy to make but it does take some time as it needs to cook very slowly.

| Yield: 10 servings | Preparation: | Cook, simmer: | Total time: | | by:

Recipe for Pozole Rojo

The pozole rojo


* 3 lb. of pork shoulder meat or loin, cubed.
* 1.5 lb. of canned precooked hominy
* 10 Chiles cascabel (huajillos), seeded and deveined
* 1 medium head of garlic
* 2 onions
* Oregano to taste
* a pinch of marjoram
* 2 bay leaves
* salt to taste
* 1 romaine lettuce head
* 1 bunch radishes, chopped finely
* 2 packages of tostadas


1) First start with the precooked hominy, one whole onion, one garlic clove and simmer for 1/2 hours, with sufficient water in a pot that is big enough. After this time you add the meat cut into small pieces, the pinch of marjoram and 2 bay leaves. We continue to simmer for another 2 hours.

2) Meanwhile, cook the chilies in a saucepan with hot oil, making sure not to burn them. For those who like their pozole to be hot you can add more hot red chilies such as fresno or thai. once cooked for a few minutes, blend them in a blender and set aside.

3) After the 2 hours since we added the meat, check to make sure that the meat is tender and that it comes apart easily. Add the blended chilies, oregano and salt to taste and simmer for 20-30 minutes and your red pozole is ready!

Serve in a stylish bowl with shredded lettuce sprinkled on top, also onions, finely chopped radishes and lemon juice. Serve the red pozole with tostadas on the side...

Enjoy your meal!

easy mexican recipes