The Huitlacoche Soup (Sopa de Huitlacoche)

The Huitlacoche, branded as the mexican truffle, is an important ingredient that is almost exclusive to mexican cuisine. This exotic sounding word is actually from the Nahuatl language; this edible corn mushroom is widely used in Mexico to prepare quesadillas, omelets, soups, tacos, etc… Huitlacoche has a very unique nutty and earthy taste, something all true mexican food lovers should try… best option of course is to buy it fresh but you can also used canned huitlacoche with acceptable results.

| Yield: 4 people | Preparation: | Frying time: | Total time: | | by:

Recipe for the Huitlacoche Soup


* 2 lb. huitlacoche truffles, shelled and washed
* 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon butter
* 4 ripe red tomatoes
* 1 onion, chopped
* 2 garlic cloves, minced
* 1 sprig of epazote, chopped
* 2 1/2 tablespoons chicken broth powder
* 1 cup half-half cream, for garnish
* 1 cup milk
* 2 teaspoons corn starch
* 1/2 lb. of cheese, half of this being parmesan and the other half swiss cheese, both grated
* 1 chicken breast, cooked and shredded


1) Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet and roast in the oven until slightly charred; thoroughly liquefy them using a blender, you can pour them through a strainer to remove any solids left.

2) Fry the onion and garlic in one tablespoon melted butter and when the onion is translucent pour the huitlacoche in, the blended tomatoes and the epazote; season with salt and pepper then simmer a few minutes. Once again use the blender to liquefy all this, also adding the chicken broth and patiently pulsing until creamy and smooth.

3) Melt the half cup butter, dissolve the corn starch completely in a glass with bit of milk then add to the butter and mix well; pour this melted butter in the previous tomato-huitlacoche preparation and mix well. Bring to a boil then stir in the cup of milk and shredded chicken.

Serve the huitlacoche soup pouring it in stylish bowls, then pour one or two tablespoons of cream over, then sprinkle the grated cheese over the soup…

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