Beef leg tostadas (Tostadas con Pata de Res)

Making tostadas seems like an easy thing, and coming up with great tostadas recipes a non-issue... well this is partially the case, as while it is true that tostadas can be made many different ways, not all recipes are worthy of being labelled as "great". Save yourself some unneeded work, and leave this up to mexican cooks or forums; there you come across classic mexican recipes and believe me, they really did try a lot of ingredient combinations!

| Yield: 4 portions | Preparation: | Cooking time: | Total time: | | by:

Tostadas with beef leg


* 2 lb. Beef leg meat, in cubes, cooked
* 2 onions
* 4 serrano chiles
* refried beans
* 1 cup Mexican style crema
* Apple cider vinegar (2 cups per pound of minced leg)
* tostadas, as many as needed
* 1/2 lb. Grated cheese
* one or two avocadoes, sliced just before serving


1) In a non reactive container, put the chopped onions, the chopped and seeded serrano peppers with plenty of vinegar; leave everything as is for 30 minutes. Put the beef leg cubes meat in the vinegar with onion and serrano chilies preparation to give it that special aroma; leave the beef leg meat in the vinegar preparation for about 3 hours, so the meat fully takes up the aromas.

2) Meanwhile, put the store-bought tostadas on a plate; pour the liquid mexican crema in an another bowl, season with salt, and if desired, also pour some green tomatillo salsa in another bowl, salt and chopped garlic they ground is properly until its essence type sauce.

3) Once adequate time has elapsed from the Pata in the cider vinegar with onions and chile slices, put on the table, along with toast, cream, refried beans and grated cheese.

4) Just before serving, we prepare each tostada as follows: First spread some refried beans over each tostadas, then over them over this some calf’s feet meat, to finish by topping with cream, grated cheese and a few slices of avocado...

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easy mexican recipes