Mexican meatball casserole (Cazuela Mexicana de Albondigas)

A mexican casserole with albondigas, simmered in a sauce with cream, vegetables and plenty of mushrooms, to your taste.

| Yield: 4 portions | Preparation: | Cooking time: | Total time: | | by:

The Mexican Albondigas Casserole


* 1 French baguette bread, in crumbs
* 1/2 cup of Milk
* 1 lb. lean ground beef
* 1 clove of garlic, minced
* 1 teaspoon of chopped oregano
* 2 onions
* 1 carrot
* 1 tablespoon red wine
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 1 cup ready-made tomato salsa
* 1 Red bell pepper
* 2-3 Red hot chilies
* Salt and pepper,
* 1 clove of garlic
* 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
* White Mushrooms, to taste
* Portobello Mushrooms, to taste
* 1 cup white wine
* 1 cup half-half cream
* Salt and pepper to taste
* 2 tablespoon of chopped thyme
* Fresh cilantro, to taste


1) Make the bread soak in milk 5 minutes. Mix with ground beef, garlic, oregano, spices, onion and bread soaked in milk. Mix the mixture, then shape into meatballs

2) Prepare the salsa. Process the onion and carrot, red wine and olive oil. Mix them in a pan with tomato sauce

3) Cut the bell pepper and chilies and discard their seeds; add it to the pan, season to your taste then put on the burner to begin cooking it. When the sauce is hot, add the meatballs and cook 10 minutes.

4) For the mushroom sauce, peel the onion and garlic and chop very finely. Cook separately in oil, until the onion is translucent. Slice the mushrooms, add them to the onion and sauté a few minutes, with the chopped cilantro. Add wine and cook a few more minutes, uncovered, to make the alcohol evaporate.

5) Pour the cream in the pan and simmer all the ingredients together a few more minutes, at least until the sauce thickens. Add salt and pepper, season with thyme and mix.

Serve the meatballs with some of the suggested salsa.

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