Achiote Pork Chops (Chuletas de cerdo en achiote)

A great mexican way to spice up pork chops, with a positive yucatecan twist. In this recipe we first make them marinate in an achiote preparation; I would serve this dish with mexican red rice, to give the food on each plate a real red tone.

Recipe for Achiote Pork Chops


* 6 pork chops
* 1 big white onion
* 4 lemons
* 3 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 stick of cinnamon
* 1 clove of garlic
* 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
* A few branches of cilantro, washed and chopped finely
* 1 jalapeno chile, chopped
* 1/3 cups white vinegar
* 1/2 cup orange juice
* 1/2 package of achiote
* salt to taste

Making this recipe:

1) Using a blender liquefy together the achiote, the orange juice, vinegar, cumin, oregano, garlic, cinnamon and salt. In a large bowl place the chops, cover with this achiote marinade and let stand in a covered container, for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.

2) Meanwhile, slice the onion in a medium bowl, squeeze lemons in the onions, until they become saturated with lemon juice, add the oregano, the chopped cilantro, the chopped jalapeno and salt, let them all marinate together while the pork chops are also marinating.

3) In a skillet heat up the olive oil, fry the chops until well roasted on the two sides.

4) Serve hot, accompanied by the marinated chopped onions.

mexican recipes
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